Germany launches. Paul Toner giant monument.
Aquarium in Germany. Open the park, "said Paul," Ink World Cup giant Neu prediction. The official then.
Sea Life Aquarium. Rubber O-Zen in the German House has been officially launched. Monument's "Paul" squid giant best known for predicting results of football matches of the National Team Germany in the Battle of Euro 2008 and World Cup 2010, especially during the World Cup last prediction was 7 times that just died on 3. last month
The Monument's "Paul" is a form you, Paul is using arms, all 8 of them hold soccer balls with flags of different national he be wrought from plastic with a height of 6 feet in half and the ball as it wrapped out. them. A gold urn containing the ashes from the remains of it stored inside the museum by the time it took to drill the box fans, Paul saw clearly the urn with
In addition, Sea Life aquarium, you are pampered disciple Paul with a "Paul's Corner," a collection of various newspapers in the language to predict the effect of the news of you, Paul. Including gifts that people sent to fish this ink. The glass contains a dozen scallops in oil from a family in Spain. Football shirts and red arm 8 from New Zealand.